From the desk of Tayo Ajala

Friday, August 09, 2024
Our Stories

Access to food shouldn't be a privilege for some to enjoy, and others to strive after. It is a right - for all people, in all places.

Tayo Ajala, Canadian Foodgrains Bank program data analyst

When I think of one organization supporting as many as 974,683 people across the globe in just one year, I’m reminded of what an incredible impact our members and their local partners are making in the fight against global hunger.

These numbers stretch across continents, cultures, and generations, because our work is founded in the belief that all people are made in the image of God. Access to food shouldn’t be a privilege for some to enjoy, and others to strive after. It is a right – for all people, in all places.

In my role as Foodgrains Bank program data analyst, poring over data sheets can be complex, time-consuming work. The process of extracting data from international program reports and combining those numbers into one data set can take weeks, and yet it is the part of my job that I enjoy the most, because it is the evidence of lives changed.

In a recent trip to Kenya, we visited a community in Kibwezi where a group of women shared how their participation in a Village Savings and Loans Association had financially supported food security for their families and expansion for their small businesses.

One woman proudly told us how she had increased the number of chickens at her poultry farm, and introduced conservation agriculture to yield better results for her produce.

When you see these numbers, it is my hope that you recognize the depth of the work that you are supporting. Without your support, whether in time, money, or prayer, we couldn’t have reached almost a million people across the globe this year.

And while we reflect upon and celebrate our efforts in 2023-24, I’m also reminded it’s not just about this year alone. You are part of a decades-long effort that we continue to build upon. As we look to the next 40 years, I’m grateful to be part of this mission with you.

This story was originally published in the 2024 Summer edition of Breaking Bread. 

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