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Stay connected with us! We have different newsletters available for different interests. Pick one or more from the list below and find out how you can engage in the important work of ending hunger.
Table Talk
Table Talk is our general Foodgrains Bank email newsletter. Sign up to hear news about global hunger, the work of the Foodgrains Bank, and how Canadians are making a difference in the fight against hunger.
Provincial/Regional Updates
Sign up to receive updates about Foodgrains Bank news and activities in your province. Updates are sent by our regional representatives.
Educators Network
We provide resources and learning opportunities for classroom teachers, church youth leaders, and other educators about issues related to global hunger. Resources are both faith-based and secular, with some also available in French. Learning opportunities include international learning tours, teachers’ forums, and guest speakers. Sign up to stay informed of learning resources and upcoming opportunities.
Hunger Action Network
Our Hunger Action Network keeps you informed about opportunities to advocate for an end to hunger and to learn more about the issues around hunger. This includes everything from praying for a specific crisis to supporting you in potentially meeting with your MP. After signing up, we will contact you for optional additional information around advocacy activities you may be willing to take.
Worship Resources
We create prayers, litanies, and other resources for use in Christian worship services on an ongoing basis. Sign up to receive updates on what’s new and timely.