World hunger is a growing problem.
You can be part of the solution. Take the first step.
Help us work toward a world without hunger.
Up to
million people in the world experience hunger.
of people experiencing hunger live in developing countries.
of displaced people live in countries affected by long-term hunger.

You are joining nearly 30 Christian denominations working together to end world hunger.
As a global network of people of faith, we’re called on to help those in need. Here’s how your support is helping end hunger for families around the world:

Since 1983, Canadian Foodgrains Bank and its members have been devoted to their mission to end world hunger.
over $1 billion
of food-related assistance.
Worked with over
100 international partners
to address global hunger.
Worked in over
70 countries
around the world.
Working together to end global hunger
Canadian Foodgrains Bank is a partnership of 15 church and church-based agencies working together to end global hunger. We support programs implemented by our member churches and agencies through their local partner organizations in countries around the world.