Canadian Lutheran World Relief is supporting Lutheran World Federation (LWF) – South Sudan with a five-month humanitarian food assistance project in all five payams of Twic East County and six payams of Duk County in Jonglei State.
Conflict, tribal attacks, cattle rustling, flooding, and recent below-normal rainfall mean that an estimated 55% of the population in Twic East and 60% in Duk are experiencing acute food insecurity. According to the FEWS NET food security outlook, from July 2023 to January 2024 Twic East will experience IPC 3 (crisis) conditions and Duk will experience IPC 4 (emergency) conditions.
The proposed intervention aims to address acute food insecurity among 1,205 of the most vulnerable households (approximately 6,075 individuals), including internally displaced people, returnees, and host community households.
LWF South Sudan will provide cash assistance to meet 100% of the food needs of households for five months, from October 2023 to February 2024. Special efforts will be made to include the most vulnerable households headed by women, children, the disabled, and the elderly. Direct cash transfers have been selected for their flexibility and convenience for targeted households. Each household, ranging in size from two to eight people, will receive a monthly amount equivalent to US$18 per person. A total of C$738,113 will be provided in cash transfers.