Strengthening sustainable food security in Bangladesh

Long-term Response
Bangladesh Long-Term Response Project
Implementing Partner: PARI Development Trust
Lead Member: World Renew Canada
People Served: 13,529
Budget: $184,728 (Year 2)
Timeline: October 2023 – September 2026

World Renew is supporting PARI Development Trust with a three-year integrated project ultimately aiming to improve food security by working with participants and community structures to promote improvements in agriculture, livelihoods, nutrition, gender equality, and social inclusion of people living with disabilities. The project will cover a total of 84 villages in 4 unions under the 2 sub-districts of Nalitabari and Durgapur in northern Bangladesh.

These communities struggle with chronic poverty and hunger, with the latest IPC data showing IPC and IPC 3 levels of food insecurity. The project will support the formation of Self-Help Groups (SHGs), Community Central Committees (CCCs), and People’s Institutions (PIs) in villages, unions, and sub-district level respectively. These will serve as platforms for project participants to implement an array of complementary development interventions on their own and gradually move toward sustainability.

Over three years, PARI plans to work with 3,110 food insecure households (approximately 13,529 people).

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