Lent & Easter Worship Resource

Worship Resources

The road to Easter Sunday, through the solemn 40 days of Lent is a time for us to reflect, to lament the injustice of today’s world where so many go hungry; and receive God’s forgiveness, mercy and love.

Lenten Prayer: Let me Hunger Enough

“One does not live by bread alone,
but by every word that comes
from the mouth of God.”

Matthew 4:4

Lord, let me hunger enough that I not forget the world’s hunger.
Lord, let me hunger enough that I may have bread to share.
Lord, let me hunger enough that I may long for the Bread of Heaven.
Lord, let me hunger enough that I may be filled.
But, O Lord,
let me not hunger so much
that I seek after that which is not bread,
nor try to live by bread alone. Amen.

~ from “Banquet of Praise: A Book of Worship Resources,” published by Bread for the World.

