Challenging Conditions

Educational Activities

In this activity about subsistence farming, students will explore the lives of eight fictional characters in six countries around the world. Five themes, as they relate to the issues of food and hunger, will be explored: land, natural disasters, conflict, health, and food prices.

Learning Objective: Students will gain insight into challenges faced by subsistence farmers, and what actions are being taken to challenge those conditions.

Recommended time: 60-90 minutes

Recommended grade level: grades 7-post-secondary, 13-young adult

Subjects: social studies / global issues, English / language arts

Number of Participants: Best for groups of 8-24 people. The activity could be adapted for smaller groups.

Keywords: Subsistence (small-scale) farmers, Activity, Land, Natural Disasters, Conflict, Health, Food Prices, Scenario, Food Security, Nicaragua, Haiti, Bangladesh, India, Burkina Faso, Tanzania



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