World Renew is supporting the Eagles Relief and Development Program with a 14-month humanitarian response project in the Traditional Authorities of Masache, Ngabu and Mulilima in the Chikwawa District of Malawi.
Cyclone Freddy made landfall in Malawi’s southern region on March 12, 2023, bringing torrential rainfall and causing devastating floods and landslides. Governmental and UN assessment teams identified over 2.2 million people affected by the disaster, with 659,000 displaced. Cyclone Freddy has also affected productive, social, and physical infrastructure. The government’s response plan focuses on addressing immediate survival needs while restoring basic social services. One of the specific issues identified is food insecurity.
In response, Eagles will provide a monthly cash transfer for six months to 620 households (2,790 individuals). A total of $254,000 will be provided, averaging $68 per household per month. In addition to the cash transfers, livelihoods inputs including seeds, goats and other agricultural inputs will be provided to each household. Village savings and loans activities will complement the cash transfers and agricultural work.