Responding to flood-related impacts in Sindh province

Emergency Food Assistance
Pakistan Emergency Food Assistance Project
Implementing Partner: Community World Service Asia-Pakistan
Lead Member: Presbyterian World Service & Development
People Served: 20,150
Budget: $1,057,220
Timeline: March 2023 – September 2023

Presbyterian World Service and Development is supporting Community World Service Asia with a 5-month food assistance project in Mirpurkhas district of Sindh, Pakistan. Pakistan has been enduring severe monsoon weather since June 2022.

Over 33 million people have been affected by the rains, floods, and related impacts such as landslides, with over 6.4 million people in need of assistance. Sindh Province has been the most adversely affected by the heavy rainfall.

Eight months on, some areas are still flooded and affected populations are still struggling with high food insecurity as they are trying to recover from their devastating losses. The Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA) in Sindh reported that 405 people died and 1,074 were severely injured. Nearly 900,000 houses have been damaged. Moreover, 2,328 km of road infrastructure has been destroyed, 60 bridges have collapsed, and 15,435 livestock perished in the province.

Mirpukhas is one of the severely affected districts. This project aims to increase immediate consumption of food and reduce food insecurity by providing 3 monthly mobile cash transfers of approximately $100 CAD per household to 3,100 flood -affected households (approximately 20,150 people).

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