Humanitarian response to ongoing conflict in Fizi Territory

Emergency Food Assistance
Democratic Republic of Congo
Democratic Republic of Congo Emergency Food Assistance Project
Implementing Partner: Communauté des Eglises de Pentecôte en Afrique Centrale (CEPAC)
Lead Member: Emergency Relief and Development Overseas
People Served: 7150
Budget: $1,092,807
Timeline: March 2023 – September 2023

Emergency Relief and Development Overseas (ERDO) is supporting the Communauté des Eglises de Pentecôte en Afrique Centrale (CEPAC) with a seven-month humanitarian response project in Likasi, Kikumbe and Eliya internally displaced people (IDP) camps in Kalemie Territory, and Kimanga IDPs camps in Fizi Territory, DR Congo.

Fizi territory is classified as IPC Phase 3 due to ongoing armed conflict and a humanitarian crisis throughout Eastern DRC. This crisis is characterized by population movements, food insecurity, acute
malnutrition, the lingering effects of Covid-19, and gender-based violence and protection issues. CEPAC will provide 1430 households (approximately 7150 individuals) with five monthly ration food packages.

The individual ration will be comprised of 12.5 kgs of maize flour, 4 kgs of beans, 750 ml of oil and 250 grams of salt. The most vulnerable households will be targeted, including people affected by population displacement, households with children and people living with disabilities, elderly people and survivors of gender-based violence. A total of 447 mt of maize meal, 143 mt of beans, 26,813 litres of oil and 8.94 mt of salt will be provided.

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