Implementing conservation agriculture in Tharaka Nithi county

Long-term Response
Kenya Long-Term Response Project
Implementing Partner: National Council of Churches Kenya (NCCK)
Lead Member: United Church of Canada
People Served: 19,500
Budget: $657,606 (Year 3)
Timeline: January 2023 – July 2027

The United Church of Canada is supporting the National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK) with a five-year agriculture and livelihoods project in nine locations of Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya.

Food insecurity issues in these areas relate to a decline in agricultural production as a result of inadequate and erratic rains, poor farming methods, unstable and unreliable agricultural markets, inadequate access to extension and financial services, and gender dynamics due to social and cultural norms that bring about gender inequalities.

In response to these issues, NCCK will encourage conservation agriculture plus (CA Plus) practices among men, women and youth in the target locations. The CA plus practices will include training on CA principles and other good agricultural practices. Using a lead farmer and farmer field school approach, these practices are expected to improve agricultural productivity and thus food security.

Over five years, the project aims to work with 4,875 households (approximately 19,500 individuals).

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