Improving food security in Lupembe

Long-term Response
Malawi Long-Term Response Project
Implementing Partner: Synod Of Livingstonia Development Department
Lead Member: Presbyterian World Service & Development
People Served: 4,125
Budget: $133,786 (Year 2)
Timeline: June 2023 – July 2026

Presbyterian World Service & Development is supporting Synod Of Livingstonia Development Department (SoLDEV) with a three-year agriculture and livelihoods project Lupembe, Malawi.

Food insecurity issues in Lupembe have increased as a result of droughts, limited access to inputs as well as markets for the sale of agricultural products, pests, and farming techniques that have resulted in soil infertility. Gender dynamics due to social and cultural norms are also contributing to food insecurity.

In response to these issues, SoLDEV will work towards improving food production and diversification to meet annual food needs for farmers, improving conservation of the environment by local communities, government and other stakeholders and increased and more resilient incomes for farmers through the self-help groups approach. The project will also promote and encourage women through training.

Over three years, the project aims to work with 750 households (approximately 4125 individuals).

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