Improving food security and food systems in Kenya

Long-term Response
Kenya Long-Term Response Project
Implementing Partner: Africa Christian Church & Schools
Lead Member: Canadian Baptist Ministries
People Served: 6,000
Budget: $151,311 (Year 3)
Timeline: August 2021- July 2024

Canadian Baptist Ministries is supporting Africa Christian Church & Schools with a three-year agriculture and livelihood project in Kithegi and Itabua, Kenya.

Food systems in the region are affected by low farm productivity as a result of climate change, high prevalence of crop and livestock diseases and pest, low soil fertility and high cost of farm inputs. This negatively impacts food security and household livelihood opportunities.

In response, this project is working with farmers to build capacity on conservation agriculture (CA) practices, village and savings and loans association management (VSLA), input acquisition and marketing skills.

The project is also partnering with local community and school youth groups to encourage youth involvement in agriculture, which has declined in recent years. A focus on gender equality is also key in all project activities to ensure men and women have equal access to resources, tasks are equitably split between men and women, and benefits are equally shared.

This project aims to improve food and livelihoods security for 1,200 households (approximately 6,000 individuals).

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