The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund is supporting Church World Service Tanzania with a three-year agriculture and livelihood project in Kasulu District, Kigoma Region in Tanzania.
This project focuses on improving food and nutrition security of Congolese refugees in Nyarugusu camp and increasing income from the sale of surplus crops grown through sustainable vegetable farming. Currently, refugees in Nyarugusu camp rely mainly on World Food Programme (WFP) food rations to access food. However, food rations contain only staple items and are regularly reduced due to WFP’s limited resources. Vacant land around the refugee camp presents an opportunity to grow vegetables for food consumption, which some refugees have begun using. However, many refugees lack the necessary skills and resources to sustainably grow a diversity of crops.
The project will use a train the trainer approach in which lead farmers will be trained in sustainable vegetable growing, integrated pest management, seed selection and storage, nutrition, and gender equity. Lead farmers will then be responsible to train other refugees in the camps. The aim is for vegetable production to provide important nutritional diversity in the diets of refugees as well as opportunity to earn some income through sales of surplus production.
In total this project will work with 4,050 participants from 810 refugee households.