Adventist Development and Relief Canada is supporting Adventist Development and Relief Laos with the second year of a two-year agriculture and livelihoods and nutrition project in Phoukoud District, Xienghkouang Province, Lao. This is phase two of a project previously funded by Foodgrains Bank and will scale up activities started in that phase.
In Laos, stunting affects 44% of children under five years old and 20% are already stunted by the age of six months. In the area where this project will be implemented, the rate of stunting for children is 43% and many struggle with diet diversity. Due to this, children are vulnerable to disease, illness, delayed/poor development and have reduced lifelong productivity.
This project will work to do many of the same activities started in three of the original villages, and 13 new villages. Specifically, it will provide training and capacity building to health workers and health volunteers who will work with beneficiaries to improve health and nutrition knowledge on nutritious food consumption, hygiene and sanitation practices, and disease prevention. The project will also screen children to identify cases of severe malnutrition, refer to nearby hospitals if required, and conduct follow up visits to help improve nutrition. Finally, training on establishing kitchen gardens will be provided to increase dietary diversity among targeted households.
The project aims to reach 12,000 individuals over three years.