As the entire world coped with the collective trauma of the ongoing pandemic, numerous communities and countries had the added burden of dealing with violent conflict – as well as poverty, inequality, and inadequate food systems that leave millions of women, men and children food insecure. In the wake of so many crises and disruptive processes, the Foodgrains Bank has stayed the course and become even more resilient.
We spent much of the past year extensively consulting with our stakeholders in Canada and around the world. Building on our nearly 40 years of Christian service, we created our new strategic plan entitled Until All Are Fed. The strategic framework launches us into the next five years and deals with big issues that cause increased hunger in our times including climate, the consequences of the pandemic and conflict.
As always, we are rooted and grounded in our core values and the belief that humankind is created in the image of God and that no person should go hungry. The availability of and access to food is fundamental to everything we do, and we intend to continue onwards until all are fed.
This annual report will walk you through a summary of our work in 2021-22. We hope it shows how our network is united in being propelled into the future, continuing to work towards a world without hunger – and we hope it inspires you to continue with us on this mission.

Written by Kenneth Kim, Board Chair and Andy Harrington, Executive Director.
This story was featured in the 2022 Annual Report. Download or order your copy here.