Planned Giving and Bequests

India Food Study Tour

Thank you for considering leaving a planned gift or bequest to Canadian Foodgrains Bank—we appreciate your thoughtfulness! 

By planning ahead to create a legacy that reflects your values and beliefs, you’re offering the gift of hope to women, men, and children around the world experiencing hunger. And you’re showing your family the impact you want to leave on the world. Through your generosity, you’re creating brighter futures. 

A donation of this kind will have a lasting impact for years to come. 

There are various ways you can leave a planned gift to the Foodgrains Bank, including: 

  • Cash 
  • A will or bequest 
  • RRSPs, RIFs, and LIFs 

The Foodgrains Bank also accepts gifts of farmland. This land can be used by a growing project (if volunteers are nearby) or rented to earn income for programs. It may also be sold to buy land closer to a place where volunteers are located to support a growing project. To make a gift of land, contact Julie Derksen, supporter relations manager (contact information below). 

We know that thinking about your Will can be overwhelming. We’ve outlined the steps below to make this planning a little easier.

Things to think about when leaving a legacy gift

  • Legacy Giving Webinar

    Click on the video below to watch the recording of our Legacy Giving webinar with gift planning consultant Harold Penner to learn more on the value of leaving a charitable gift in your Will.