For families like Eliainy’s already facing hunger, COVID-19 poses immediate and long-term threats. (Photo: Tearfund Canada)
When Eliainy and her husband were forced to flee their home in Venezuela, their biggest worry was how to provide for their two young children. To help ease their burden, Foodgrains Bank member Tearfund Canada began a daily meal program for Venezuelan children living in Colombia. For a time, Eliainy no longer had to worry where her children’s next meal would come from.
When COVID-19 reached Colombia, the government put restrictions on group gatherings. This included Tearfund’s program that fed over 600 children a day. Yet the need for food remained. Tearfund quickly adjusted their project to ensure this essential work would continue. They began weekly food distributions for families, rather than providing daily group meals. They also provided soap to help protect against the coronavirus.
For families like Eliainy’s already facing hunger, COVID-19 poses immediate and long-term threats. Please keep all those affected in your prayers as we continue this journey together and wait to fully understand the implications of this pandemic.