Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario

CFFO & Foodgrains Bank | A Natural Fit


“I really believe this partnership with the Foodgrains Bank is one of the best examples of charitable giving we can do as Christian farmers.”

Ed Scharringa, CFFO Board of Directors President

Help people around the world get enough to eat


Canadian Foodgrains Bank is deeply conscious of the trust placed in us by thousands of Canadians in ensuring your gifts are used wisely. Thanks for partnering with us in the work of ending global hunger.

Charity Intelligence Top 10 Impact Charity


To kick off the partnership between Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario (CFFO) and Canadian Foodgrains Bank, CFFO is going to be matching every dollar donated between November 28 and December 28, 2023, up to $5,000. This CFFO Giving Tuesday campaign will kick off the 2023 Christmas giving season with a joyous bang!

In 2023, the global hunger crisis became increasingly worse in many places. There are currently an estimated 757 million people experiencing hunger around the world. There are countries in the Horn of Africa where it is becoming increasingly difficult to access adequate, affordable food, and famine is fast approaching.

But despite the challenges our global food system is facing, we also know that with generous people like you on board, we can help families facing hunger to thrive.

Our mission to end world hunger is rooted in the belief that humankind is created in the image of God, and that it is God’s desire that no person should go hungry.

Canadian Foodgrains Bank is a partnership of 15 churches and church agencies working together to end hunger. We work with locally-based organizations in developing countries to meet emergency food needs, achieve long-term solutions to hunger and work to foster informed action by Canadians and governments to support this international cause.

If you support one of our 15 members, you can deposit your donation into their account, otherwise it will automatically be deposited into our general account which is shared amongst our membership.

We’re excited to partner with Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario in working towards this mission.

Thank you for your support!


Giving Tuesday