World Water Day

Worship Resources

World Water Day, is held on March 22nd, and focuses on the importance of water. It goes back to 1992, at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro. It serves to raise awareness and reaffirm that water and sanitation measures are key to poverty reduction, economic growth, and environmental sustainability. It also aims to encourage action to support the achieve of Sustainable Development Goal 6: water and sanitation for all by 2030, which is linked to agriculture and food security.


There are currently 2.2 billion people living without access to safe water. Water is life. It is essential in order to produce food. Often where there is hunger there is also a lack of water that is safe to drink. Sometimes it’s the land that is thirsty. Droughts are becoming much more common in many parts of the world, which is increasing hunger for people who depend on agriculture to feed their families. With extreme weather events such as hurricanes, there can also be too much water. Heavy rains and floods can displace people, ruin homes, destroy livestock and crops, and wash away precious resources with the soil. Through it’s members and local partners the Canadian Foodgrains Bank is helping small-scale farmers get the training and support needed to adapt to the changing climate.

Links to the image slideshow and prayer video are included.



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