Start your own fundraiser
Every year people, churches and community groups across Canada find creative ways to support our work of ending global hunger.
Invite your friends and family—near and far—to support your efforts to help those who don’t have enough to eat. For more information and help with fundraising ideas, please contact Stephanie Ball at or phone 1.800.665.0377.
Fundraising Pages
- Abundant Harvest Growing Project
- Beekeepers Growing Project
- BMW Growing Project
- Central Alberta Growing Project
- FOCUS Growing Project
- Gardenland Growing Project
- HOPE Growing Project
- Jubilee Acres Growing Project
- Killarney Growing Project
- Landmark Growing Project
- Louise Grain Growing Project
- Minnedosa Growing Project
- SHARE Growing Project
- South Huron Growing Project
- Taber & District Growing Project
- Thunder Bay Growing Project