Responding to Cyclone Freddy in Njema

Emergency Food Assistance
Malawi Emergency Food Assistance Project
Implementing Partner: Brethren in Christ Malawi
Lead Member: Mennonite Central Committee Canada
People Served: 2,500
Budget: $370,015
Timeline: August 2023 – March 2024

Mennonite Central Committee Canada is supporting the Brethren in Christ Malawi (BIC) with an eight-month humanitarian response project in Njema in the Mulanje district of Malawi.

Njema was severely affected by Cyclone Freddy in March 2023. Impacts included destruction of public infrastructure and private homes; damage to irrigation systems; destruction of crops and future harvests. Nearly half of all arable land in Njema was affected by the cyclone. The food security effects of Cyclone Freddy are significant, with the most severely impacted households already practicing survival food security strategies.

BIC will provide eight monthly food basket transfers to 500 households (2,500 individuals). Of these 500 households, 300 of them lost their homes in the cyclone. The monthly food basket will consist of 50 kgs of maize, 5 kgs of beans, 2 liters of cooking oil, 500g of salt. A total of 200 mt of maize, 20 mt of beans, 8 mt of oil and 2 mt of salt will be provided over the eight-month project.

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