Malnutrition treatment for children in Hinche, St. Marc and Boucan-Carré

Emergency Food Assistance
Haiti Emergency Food Assistance Project
Implementing Partner: Partners in Health Haiti
Lead Member: Presbyterian World Service & Development
People Served: 69,518
Budget: $688,134 (Year 2)
Timeline: April 2023 – March 2026

Presbyterian World Service and Development is supporting Zamni Lasante/ Partners in Health Haiti with a three-year humanitarian nutrition response project in Haiti. This project seeks to deliver a package of evidence-based services for the treatment of acute malnutrition in the communes of Hinche, St. Marc and Boucan-Carré.

Acute childhood malnutrition is driven by many factors in Haiti including poor infant and young child feeding practices (IYCF); lack of access to clean water and sanitation; high unemployment; and poverty. The political and security crisis that has gripped Haiti in recent years continues to worsen an already challenging food security situation.

This intervention, which ultimately strives to avert malnutrition-related death among children aged 6-59 months, is focused on strengthening nutrition treatments through active case-finding of acutely malnourished children; community-based management, including provision of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF); and inpatient treatment of children with severe acute malnutrition with medical complications (SAM/MC). Parents and caregivers will also be provided with IYCF counseling.

The project aims to reach approximately 69,518 individuals.

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