Mennonite Central Committee Canada is supporting Christian Council of Mozambique with a three-year agriculture and livelihoods project in Changara and Marara districts of Tete Province, Mozambique.
Food insecurity is high in this region due to irregular rainfall leading low agricultural productivity, limited water available year-round, limited diet diversity and limited income sources. Farmers also struggle to connect with markets to purchase inputs and sell any excess crop or livestock.
Building upon activities completed in three past project phases, this project will continue to work to improve food security and strengthen resilience to climate change by providing training on improved agriculture practices for both cereal and vegetable crops, maintaining and fixing sand dams to increase water availability, and encourage farmers to plant a variety of nutritious and drought tolerant crops to improve diet diversity. Farmers will be trained to better market their farm products and establish savings and credit groups to increase household income.
The project will work with 1,800 households (approximately 10,620 individuals) in the first year and scale up activities to a total of 1,900 households (11,210 individuals) over the three years.