Adopting sustainable agriculture techniques in Pakur District

Long-term Response
India Long-Term Response Project
Implementing Partner: The Evangelical Fellowship of India Commission on Relief
Lead Member: Tearfund Canada
People Served: 3,750
Budget: $151,005 (Year 2)
Timeline: September 2022 - August 2025

Tearfund Canada is supporting their partner EFICOR with a three-year agriculture and livelihoods project in Dumarchir and Pachuara Panchayat of Amrapara block, Pakur District, Jharkhand state, India.

Hilltop tribes in this area of India are dependent on agriculture and forest products. Farmers practice slash and burn farming and in recent years have started to use chemical fertilizers and pesticides which has increased the cost of production. The quality and amount of land available is becoming depleted and food security is a challenge for these communities.

EFICOR will work with 750 households (3,750 individuals) from 21 villages by increasing knowledge on different kinds of food groups; increasing access to food diversity and protein intake by improving kitchen gardening practices; using community fields to increase production and consumption of vegetables, fruits, and proteins; supporting the community to adopt sustainable agriculture farming by demonstration and teaching different CA techniques; increasing soil quality by adopting organic farming; preventing land degradation by reducing soil erosion and retaining micro-nutrient of soil; and, integrating women’s, children and youth’s rights and improving participation and decision-making process at the household level.

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