Cambodia, Food security for vulnerable farmers

Long-term Response
Cambodia Long-Term Response Project
Implementing Partner: Organization to Develop our Villages
Lead Member: Mennonite Central Committee Canada
People Served: 12,445
Budget: $197,300
Timeline: April 2020 - March 2025

Mennonite Central Committee Canada is supporting Organization to Develop our Villages with a five-year agriculture and livelihood project in Mesang, Kampong Trabek, BaPhnom, and Peam Chor districts in Prey Veng Province, Cambodia.

In these districts, agriculture is the main livelihood for households. In a situation assessment prior to the start of the project, it was found that over 85% of households depend on farming. The impact of climate change, low price in agriculture products, low agriculture yields, and migration threaten agriculture success and consequently food security. Additionally, large gender imbalances exist that make it difficult for women to succeed in agriculture.

This project seeks to enhance food security, livelihood and gender equality by providing agriculture inputs, technical agriculture resources, and trainings. Training topics include climate-smart farming techniques such as composting and drip irrigation, nutrition principles such as the importance of a balanced diet, and gender awareness and women rights. The project is also working to support women’s engagement in community decision making. Inputs and trainings are also being provided and facilitated primarily through pre-existing local agriculture cooperatives, that ODOV is supporting to become self-functioning.

The project aims to work with and reach 5,729 households (approximately 12,445 individuals).


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